Kickin’ it with Kennemur Avoiding trial by ambush: A Kennemur objection can strike fear into the heart of a trial attorney Casey HultinAshley Laiken From Issue: 2022 January
When an expert witness is not needed Strategies for proving medical damages in smaller cases using the treating physician Chuck Geerhart From Issue: 2017 April
Putting teeth in your dog-bite case A guide to discovery and the use of experts Ron Berman From Issue: 2016 November
“Sir, are you a medical doctor?” How to prevent the defense biomechanics expert from rendering medical opinions at trial George Ellard From Issue: 2022 December
When the defendant complains to the court that you have too many experts In highly technical cases like products liability, issues often arise about multiple experts in overlapping areas of expertise Eustace de Saint Phalle From Issue: 2011 November
Vocational rehab examination by the defense Don’t agree to any sham demand for a vocational exam of your client by a defense expert Eustace de Saint PhalleAndrew Clay From Issue: 2017 May
Disability and the replacement value of household services How economists calculate the replacement cost of household services in cases of catastrophic injury Joseph T. Crouse From Issue: 2017 April
Experts and the limits of scientific knowledge When your expert is out of control: Tips to spot unsupported and unsupportable opinions Nathaniel Leeds From Issue: 2017 April
Witness communication: Give yourself and your client an edge at depo and trial Show your witness how she will look and sound to a jury David Illig From Issue: 2009 March
What seems to be the problem, officer? Establishing the foundation for police officers’ expert opinions in motor-vehicle cases Kevin S. ConlogueChristopher P. Orlando From Issue: 2023 August
Using graphics to make your expert understandable Effective graphics put the “show” in the “show and tell” of expert testimony Morgan C. SmithAudrey Murray From Issue: 2016 October