Is your advertising reaching 5,000-plus
Plaintiffs’ Attorneys in Northern California?
It can. In Plaintiff magazine. 

Narrow your focus. Not your market.

Now your marketing message can reach over 5,000-plus trial lawyers in Northern and Central California.  Published by the same company that produces Advocate magazine* in Southern California, Plaintiff is unique because it reaches beyond the local trial lawyer associations to connect you with plaintiffs’ lawyers throughout all of Northern and Central California: San Francisco, East Bay, San Jose, Sacramento, Redding, the Central Valley and Central Coast.

Plaintiff, an independently-owned magazine, bridges the gap between small association magazines and newsletters that reach only a limited membership and the big legal magazines that are sent to law firms of every size and speciality.

For an advertiser, what sets Plaintiff apart from other legal magazines in California is the target audience. You’ll reach a targeted market of 5,000 plaintiffs’ attorneys throughout all of Northern and Central California, and you’ll do it more cost effectively than with any other publication. Because you reach only trial attorneys, you’re not paying for wasted circulation the way you do in general legal publications such as Bar journals. With Plaintiff, you will reach the lawyers most likely to need your services.  And because plaintiffs’ lawyers tend to work in small firms, you’ll be reaching the decision-makers.

The readers of Plaintiff have traditionally been referred to as trial lawyers, personal injury attorneys and, more recently, consumer attorneys. They represent the injured or wronged party in civil actions ranging from vehicle accidents to medical malpractice to wrongful termination of employment, police misconduct and toxic contamination of drinking water. They are the champions of the consumer - the common man with limited financial resources - and typically are compensated on a contingency fee basis.

Readers of Plaintiff tend to practice individually or in small law firms. Often, they are the managing partners of their firm, responsible not only for serving clients but also for purchasing office equipment, maintaining the library and hiring staff. In short, advertising in Plaintiff reaches the decision-makers.

Engaging editorial.
Effective advertising.

Plaintiff is a nuts-and-bolts journal for trial practice. Every issue will bring readers practical, instructive articles on the representation of plaintiffs, law office management and legal services marketing.  Each month, experienced attorneys will present informative articles on a different theme, revealing how they craft complaints, maximize discovery and use voir dire effectively to win actions in such areas as employment, auto accidents, medical malpractice, products liability and insurance bad faith.  Mediators and arbitrators will discuss how these alternative forums can be used to a plaintiff’s benefit.  Plaintiff will not be a stuffy law journal that sits on the library shelf, but a hands-on magazine that readers look forward to each month.

Premium ad placement available

Premium ad placements are available at this time.  Please refer to the rate card and editorial schedule.

Mix it up. Make lasting impressions.

  • Direct Mail Packages 
  • Mailing List Rentals
  • Website Advertising
  • E-Newsletter Sponsorship

*Advocate magazine is the largest regional magazine for plaintiffs’ attorneys in the United States.  Advocate is published by Neubauer & Associates for the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA), which owns and edits the magazine.  CAALA is not affiliated with Plaintiff magazine.