The challenges presented by shifting into trial warrior and back again
Miles B. Cooper
2022 May
Elder abuse specialist of 20 years remains a steadfast advocate for a marginalized population
Stephen Ellison
2022 May
In order to win, having the Big Horse or the Big Case is necessary but not sufficient
Dan Kelly
2022 May
Take your cues from CACI and appellate rulings like Etherton, and don’t be afraid of the eggshell plaintiff
Eustace de Saint PhallePhil Johnson
2022 May
Arbitration agreements in health-care settings; also, the “baseball rule” on assumption of the risk; legal malpractice, causation and anti-SLAPP
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 May
A San Francisco outdoor arts festival is saved by some fast legal footwork after City revokes permit due to COVID
Matthew Kumin
2022 May
Severed fingers and other partial-hand amputations are incredibly serious injuries requiring patients to undergo a long and onerous road to recovery
Jeff Rudman
2022 May
Trial attorneys and the medical/insurance interests quietly reach a momentous deal in Sacramento to end the $250,000 pain and suffering limitation of 1975’s MICRA; ballot initiative would be scrapped
2022 May
Ensuring your brain-injured client gets the medical treatment they need
Belinda Theam
2022 May
The Moradi deposition can unlock additional coverage from a previously unidentified defendant
Daniel DeSantis
2022 May
Why you should video record the depo, how to get it done and get it admitted
Daniel DeSantis
2022 May
Great filmmakers and lawyers find ways to bring their entrepreneurial investment to life
Scott Herndon
2022 May
Can someone be hurt when the MRI is negative? Medical knowledge is a key to success in back- and-neck-injury litigation
Tom Feher
2022 May
A look at hip injuries and treatments, and misconceptions about hip injuries
Casey Hultin
2022 May