Eliminate obstacles, prepare thoroughly and give the other side what they need so that you will get reasonable case value the first time around
2011 July
More trial judges are taking the defense bait, granting motions on the eve of trial that effectively gut you case
Solange E. Ritchie
2011 July
Instead of fearing summary judgment, use it to eliminate key issues and improve your position at trial
Brian J. Malloy
2011 July
Starting mediation with “tiger blood” still flowing is usually a waste of time. Wait for emotions to calm
Jeffrey Krivis
2011 July
Both express and implied warranties can be used to defeat the defense of comparative fault
Louis S. Franecke
2011 July
Courtesy and generosity have molded the so-called “dean” of trial lawyers in Sonoma County
Stephen Ellison
2011 July
By Donna Bader, Bench Press Publishing, 256 pgs, $55.00
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 July
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 July
Never a second’s hesitation – the role of the second seat in trial is to be present and anticipate
Miles B. Cooper
2011 July
California courts attempt to limit new trial motions to prevent interminable trials from clogging the courtrooms
Jeremy Cloyd
2011 July
First, tell them why they should care. Then give them decision-making information that is memorable. And be quick about it
John P. Blumberg
2011 July