Profile: Frank Pitre Be true to yourself, work hard, persevere – and stay out of the fruit and vegetable business Stephen Ellison From Issue: 2014 December
Eight tips to keep your case in the ring Plaintiffs seldom move for summary judgment but the defense sees it as a knockout round Jeffrey I. Ehrlich From Issue: 2014 December
Appealing without a transcript An “agreed statement” or “settled statement” may be your only options if there was no court reporter at trial Donna Bader From Issue: 2014 December
Let your case speak for itself Make the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur work for you Elinor Leary From Issue: 2014 December
To appeal or not to appeal? That is the question, and the answer begins with a look at the type of judgment Jay-Allen Eisen From Issue: 2014 December
Appellate Reports and Cases in Brief Columbo declines to rely on Exxon Shipping to cap punitive damages at the amount of compensatory damages Jeffrey I. Ehrlich From Issue: 2014 December
Identifying procedural defects in an appellant’s arguments How to prevent an egregious reversal when you are the respondent From Issue: 2014 December
Persuasive legal writing starts with knowing the reader With every brief, every motion, every opposition we file, we are trying to persuade the judge to act in our favor Ted Pelletier From Issue: 2014 December