Wanted: Women trial lawyers While women are well represented in law schools, the disparity in the numbers of men and women trial lawyers continues Shaana A. Rahman From Issue: 2013 February
The transactional mediation approach: dealing for dollars Offer more options to settle than in traditional bargaining Jeffrey Krivis From Issue: 2013 February
Profile: Kathryn Stebner Political and social advocate finds her legal niche as an elder-abuse specialist Stephen Ellison From Issue: 2013 February
Getting your iPad to help with voir dire We compare old-school voir dire aids with the latest jury-selection apps and find they can be complementary William VeenJennifer de la Campa From Issue: 2013 February
Five cost-effective strategies to reduce risk in low-speed collision cases Take time to review pre-accident medical records and spend time with the plaintiff Albert G. Stoll, Jr. From Issue: 2013 February
Appellate Reports and Cases in Brief Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar From Issue: 2013 February
Very superstitious Good or bad, our superstitions and “spidey-senses” give us confidence Miles B. Cooper From Issue: 2013 February
Six financial hazards every contingency firm should avoid If you don’t create and constantly update a cash-flow statement, your ship could be headed for the rocks Michael Blum From Issue: 2013 February
Prejudgment remedies in tort cases When and how the plaintiff in a tort action can attach the assets of the defendant David Cook From Issue: 2013 February
Getting the jury you want A review of the law and some flexible, creative suggestions for jury selection to fit a variety of personalities Ronald H. RoudaKaren Jo Koonan From Issue: 2013 February
Challenging legal assumptions about juror bias A jury consultant culls the latest research into practical advice on winning challenges for cause From Issue: 2013 February