What to do on the Internet before you sue Finding information cheaply about potential clients, defendants and witnesses Althea T. Kippes From Issue: 2007 November
The awakening of a sleepy Congressional subcommittee Investigating the termination of the U.S. Attorneys created a hotbed of controversy Linda T. Sánchez From Issue: 2007 November
Shaking the Foundations Stanford law students organize inspiring progressive lawyering conference Laura Elizabeth Weidman From Issue: 2007 November
Expansion of ostensible agency liability under Ermoian: Proof requirements Unlike Mejia, which focused on the issue of reliance, Ermoian focuses more on the hospital’s conduct Shirley WatkinsSeptember Hopper From Issue: 2007 November
Biomechanics: a primer for motor vehicle collision injuries A biomechanics primer for the plaintiff’s attorney for rear, frontal, and side impacts Lawrence S. Nordhoff, Jr. From Issue: 2007 November
The dark side of arbitration Before you publish adverse comments about an arbitrator, look at all sides of the decision Alexander Polsky From Issue: 2007 November
Storytelling in brief-writing The truth is that no matter how intellectual a judge may seem, he or she probably loves a good story Donna Bader From Issue: 2007 November
Preparing the lay witness Guiding the lay witness through the intimidating process of oral examination can result in a sharper and more compelling case narrative Lois Heaney Karen Jo Koonan From Issue: 2007 November
How to get your press release released immediately A few tricks of the trade can get your news out where you want it Geri Wilson From Issue: 2007 November
Civil rights enforcement threatened by new agency head Administrative Law Judges’ positions at risk Michele Magar From Issue: 2007 November
Auto accident reconstruction: The basics you must know Understanding what the engineer is talking about and how conclusions are reached Kurt D. Weiss From Issue: 2007 November