Tal Rubin

Tal Rubin

Tal Rubin is a sole practitioner in Calabasas. He has litigated hundreds of personal injury cases including serious injury and wrongful death. He has tried numerous cases to a verdict, including a recent ground breaking published verdict against a health club which dealt with the difficult areas of gross negligence and assumption of risk.

Articles written by this author:

Liability for injury in sports and recreational activities

Overcoming exculpatory clauses and assumption-of-risk arguments

Tal Rubin

2015 March

Wrongful death – standing, pleadings and related considerations

Wrongful death – standing, pleadings and related considerations

Determining standing, which causes of action to include, drafting the pleadings, and collecting the right evidence to prove our case

Tal Rubin

2021 April

Litigating, managing and settling workers’ compensation/third-party crossover cases

Litigating, managing and settling workers’ compensation/third-party crossover cases

Overview of the (sometimes devastating) effect of a WC claim on your recovery in a crossover personal-injury case

Tal Rubin

2023 May