Shana M. Nazarian

Shana M. Nazarian

Shana M. Nazarian is an associate in the Rains Lucia Stern St. Phalle & Silver, PC (“RLS”) Personal Injury Group. Shana handles a range of matters, including premises liability cases, slip and fall cases, automobile accident cases, ladder fall cases, and intentional tort cases. Shana strives to cultivate meaningful relationships with all of her clients and prides herself on assisting them navigate the legal system.

Articles written by this author:
Don’t let the defense misuse social media to depict your client

Don’t let the defense misuse social media to depict your client

How defendants misrepresent a plaintiff’s condition through social media

Shana M. Nazarian
Eustace de Saint Phalle

2023 July

The civil practice of civil law

The civil practice of civil law

Let’s take meet and confer more seriously, and more civilly

Shana M. Nazarian

2024 February

Expert witnesses for liability and damages: A primer

When the case value justifies expert witnesses, here is a basic guide to choosing the type of experts required

Shana M. Nazarian

2024 November