Noelle Nelson

Noelle Nelson

Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D. is a trial consultant who provides trial/jury strategy, witness preparation and focus groups for attorneys. Her published works include “A Winning Case” (Prentice Hall), “Connecting With Your Client” (American Bar Association), “The Power of Appreciation in Business” (MindLab Publishing), and the booklet, “101 Winning Tips: How to Give a Good Deposition and Testify Well in Court.”

Articles written by this author:

How experts can survive and thrive during cross-examination

Practical techniques can guide experts in answering the tough questions

Noelle Nelson

2008 January

Make yourself a hero to the jury

Establishing your own high ethical standards with jurors creates a more creditable view of your client

Noelle Nelson

2008 August

Mock trials for solos and small firms

A small outlay of time and money can produce an enormous amount of information, influencing the success of your case

Noelle Nelson

2009 February

How to maximize the impact of cross-examination

A jury consultant offers tips on cross-examination to help you persuade the jury and avoid alienating them

Noelle Nelson

2010 April

Jury instructions: It’s up to you to make certain they are clear to jurors

Jurors say that one of the greatest stumbling blocks to a fair verdict is understanding the jury instructions

Noelle Nelson

2015 April

Managing the Angry Client 101

Telling clients “do not get angry” only makes things worse; they must feel that you understand their position

Noelle Nelson

2018 September