Morgan C. Smith

Morgan C. Smith

Morgan C. Smith is an attorney who was a partner in The Arns Law Firm, San Francisco, for 15 years, specializing in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Morgan now owns and manages Cogent Legal (, the Oakland-based litigation graphics and trial technology firm he founded to provide visual support for any kind of case.

Articles written by this author:

Go graphic in mediation, not just in trial

At best, you will likely increase the settlement value; at worst, you’re really ready for trial

Morgan C. Smith

2011 June

Animation will play a bigger role at trial, post-Duenas

Is it an animation or a simulation? The Supreme Court’s new roadmap for animation admissibility

Morgan C. Smith

2012 September

A tale of two timelines

Leveraging technology in the big case – in preparation, mediation and the courtroom

Morgan C. Smith

2014 February

Five top quality ways to visually capture a scene for litigation

With so many ways to recreate a powerful scene for your case, where do you start?

Morgan C. Smith

2015 October

Using graphics to make your expert understandable

Effective graphics put the “show” in the “show and tell” of expert testimony

Morgan C. Smith
Audrey Murray

2016 October

Now I see it!

Wading through the big data to discover what matters for trial – it often starts with the cell phone

Morgan C. Smith

2020 February