Michael Blum

Michael Blum

Bio as of July 2013:

Michael Blum is a trial attorney and CEO of Appeal Funding Partners, LLC with over 17 years’ experience providing non-recourse funding to attorneys and plaintiffs with money judgments on appeal. He has served on the Board of Directors of CAOC and Marin Trial Lawyers Association. He regularly speaks to trial-lawyer groups on the financial management of a contingency-fee law firm. mgblum@appealfundingpartners.com.

Articles written by this author:

Financial management in a contingent fee practice

By borrowing to pay case costs, a firm can use its own funds for other expenses and investments

Michael Blum

2007 August

Low-cost lines of credit for case expenses

The cash flow nightmare is beginning to ease by allowing attorneys to pass the costs of borrowing litigation expenses to the client

Michael Blum

2008 June

Are investors interested in your appeal?

Appeal funding provides a risk transfer and mitigation strategy for plaintiff and attorney

Michael Blum

2011 December

Six financial hazards every contingency firm should avoid

If you don’t create and constantly update a cash-flow statement, your ship could be headed for the rocks

Michael Blum

2013 February