Loren Schwartz

Loren Schwartz

Loren Schwartz is a partner in the San Francisco Office of Dunn & Panagotacos LLP. His practice focuses on representing plaintiffs in personal injury, medical negligence, elder abuse, and employment matters. He is an active member of the Consumer Attorneys of California, Bar Association of San Francisco, and San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association.

Articles written by this author:

Subsequent remedial measures

Getting them into evidence and using them to your advantage

Loren Schwartz

2017 October

Non-delegable duties in workplace injuries

Identifying and proving that a property owner had a non-delegable duty may give rise to your civil lawsuit

Loren Schwartz

2018 December

Auto accidents and the eggshell plaintiff

Embracing your client’s past medical history to prove your case

Loren Schwartz

2022 August