Articles written by this author:
Daubert error no longer requires new trial as sole remedy. Also, federal preemption ruling
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 June
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 August
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 December
A review of recent decisions of interest to the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 January
A review of recent decisions of interest to the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 February
A review of recent decisions of interest to the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 March
A review of recent cases of interest to plaintiffs’ attorneys
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 April
A review of recent cases of interest to plaintiffs’ attorneys, including the landmark State of California v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 May
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 June
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 July
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 August
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 September
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 October
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 November
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2009 December
Howell v. Hamilton Meats & Provisions, Inc. and other recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 January
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 February
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar, including Lhotka v. Geographic Expeditions, Inc. on opposing petitions to compel arbitration
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 March
Including Hertz Corp. v. Friend: For the purposes of federal diversity jurisdiction, a corporation’s principal place of business is its “nerve center” — typically its HQ.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 April
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 June
Litigation privilege does not apply to conduct that is wrongful independent of the litigation
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 July
Severability clauses in insurance policies will render ambiguous certain policy exclusions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 August
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 September
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 October
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 November
Court can deny petition to compel arbitration; also, bringing redundant causes of action in defamation suit can lead to anti-SLAPP rulings that open the door to attorney’s fees
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 December
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 January
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 February
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 April
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 May
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 June
By Donna Bader, Bench Press Publishing, 256 pgs, $55.00
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 July
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 July
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 August
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 September
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 October
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 November
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 January
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 February
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 July
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 September
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 October
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 November
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 December
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 January
The California Supreme Court addresses the impact of the “same decision” defense in FEHA cases; notes discrimination must be “substantial factor” in termination
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 March
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 April
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 May
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 June
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 July
Wrongful death and a putative spouse: California law allows a decedent’s “putative spouse” to pursue a wrongful death claim.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 August
Zhang clarifies many aspects of UCL practice, particularly insurance claims
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 September
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 October
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 November
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2013 December
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 January
A useful book for attorneys, even if you don’t like self-help books
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 January
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 February
St. Mary offers clarity in responding to Requests for Admissions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 March
Gulliver Schools, a cautionary tale about confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 April
New holdings on expert medical testimony in district courts and on the component-parts doctrine in state courts. Also, Ennabe v. Manosa discusses alcohol served at private parties.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 May
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 July
Recent opinions of the California Supreme Court, including Iskanian on employment arbitration and class-action waivers.
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 August
Gregory v. Cott applies primary assumption of the risk to in-home health-care workers
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 September
Patterson v. Domino’s Pizza — Franchisor tort responsibility where franchisor exhibits traditionally understood characteristics of an “employer”
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 October
When a lawyer sues for unpaid fees, the client complains for breach of fiduciary duty
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 November
Columbo declines to rely on Exxon Shipping to cap punitive damages at the amount of compensatory damages
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 December
Plaintiffs seldom move for summary judgment but the defense sees it as a knockout round
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2014 December
Laffitte v. Robert Half International confirms that courts in California may award class counsel a 33.33 percent fee based on common-fund recovery
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 January
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 February
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 March
DuBeck v. California Physician’s Service holds that an insurer who chooses to cancel a policy prospectively based on the insured’s misstatements on the application cannot thereafter rescind based on the same statements
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 April
Amis v. Greenberg Traurig LLP confirms that all communications during mediation are subject to the mediation privilege
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 May
Miles v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company acknowledges that a breach-of-contract claim can be stated without attaching the contract as an exhibit or pleading its terms verbatim
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 June
EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores An employer may not make an applicant’s religious practice, confirmed or otherwise, a factor in employment decisions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 July
Bermudez v. Ciolek Logical discussion of Howell issues concerning proof of medical expenses for an uninsured client
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 August
Sanchez v. Valencia Holding Co. Decision by the California Supreme Court on the State’s power, in the wake of AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion to declare arbitration agreements unenforceable because they are unconscionable
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 September
Lee v. Hanley articulates the rules governing the application of Code Civ. Proc., § 340.6, the statute of limitations for legal-malpractice claims
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 October
U.S. v. Moser holds that the reasons relied on by the district judge to cut the prevailing party’s fee award constituted an abuse of discretion
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 November
Uspenskaya v. Meline - The amount a factoring company pays to purchase a medical lien is not evidence of the reasonable value of the underlying medical services
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 December
Assumption of Risk: If you go to a haunted house, expect to be scared (Griffin v. The Haunted Hotel, Inc.)
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 January
A health plan’s right to reimbursement for “other equitable relief” under ERISA is limited to specific, identifiable funds within the beneficiary’s control
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 March
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2011 March
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 March
Gaines v. Fidelity National Title Insurance makes avoiding dismissal under the 5-year rule more difficult and analyzes the rules about which periods during a lawsuit are excluded
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 April
Report of an early adopter
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 May
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 May
Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2012 May
Tyson Foods v. Bouaphakeo — The U.S Supreme Court allows statistical evidence to fill evidentiary gaps in class actions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 May
Flores v. Presbyterian − Negligent use/maintenance of certain medical equipment is subject to MICRA limitations
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 June
Ramos v. Brenntag Specialties, Inc. narrows the availability of the component parts doctrine in products-liability cases
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 August
Baral v. Schnitt — Substantially broadens the scope of the anti-SLAPP statute by holding that it can be used to attack allegations of constitutionally protected activity
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 September
Barickman v. Mercury Cas. Co. — Court rejects the insurer’s argument that it acted in good faith as a matter of law by making an early tender of policy limits
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 October
Markow v. Rosner — Appellate court isn’t buying hospital’s vicarious liability based upon ostensible agency of a physician associated with the hospital
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 November
Nickerson v. Stonebridge Ins. Co. — Affirms a punitive-damage award that is 10 times the amount of compensatory damages; holds that insurer’s claims handling was highly reprehensible
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2016 December
Kesner v. Superior Court — The most comprehensive discussion of the analysis of legal duty in negligence law, specifically as regards asbestos but applicable to all negligence claims where duty is an issue
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 January
Cal Supreme Court rules in Augustus v. ABM that the Brinker standard applies to rest breaks and that “on call” rest breaks are not compliant with the law
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 February
Okafor v. United States of America – Holds that a lawyer’s reliance on FedEx to timely deliver a document constitutes “routine negligence”
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 March
Claim against public entity is barred where the plaintiff failed to file a timely late-claim petition after his initial claim was deemed denied
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 April
McGill v. Citibank, NA — Allows an individual plaintiff to seek a public injunction under the UCL and FAL – relief whose primary purpose is to benefit the public generally – without the need to pursue the claim as a class action
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 May
Employment and anti-SLAPP: A decision to deny tenure rested on communications made in the course of that decision, an official proceeding, and was protected activity for purposes of anti-SLAPP
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
Garcia v. Pexco — Defendant may enforce arbitration agreement when plaintiff alleges a defendant acted as an agent of a party to an arbitration agreement
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 July
Cal Supreme Court says discovery in PAGA actions is governed by normal standards of civil litigation; supports broad view of the right to discovery in all civil cases
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 August
Three myths – or soon to be myths – of insurance law in California
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 September
Interim adverse judgment bars malicious-prosecution claim, even if trial court later finds action was brought in bad faith
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 October
Appellate Court holds that hospital’s substantial impairment of an elderly patient’s right to autonomy can constitute actionable “neglect” within the Elder Abuse Act
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 November
Six tips from an appellate lawyer about how to minimize the risk of inconsistent verdicts
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 December
The dangers and difficulties of trying to put “teeth” into a settlement by including provisions that increase the amount the settling defendant must pay if it fails to perform
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2017 December
Duty-of-care issues, particularly involving premises-liability cases where the premises abut a public street
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 February
FAA does not apply when son with power of attorney signs arbitration agreement with hospital, later sues for elder abuse in father’s death
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 April
Regents of the Univ. of California v. Superior Court (Rosen) — Holding that universities have a special relationship with their students, and therefore owe them a limited duty of care to protect them during “curricular” activities
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 May
In Dynamex Operations Cal. Supreme Court adopts new test for “employee” vs. “independent contractor.” In Pebley v. Santa Clara Organics, appellate court oks medical care on a lien, even for plaintiffs with insurance
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 June
Liberty Surplus Insurance v. Ledesma & Meyer Construction – Does an employer’s negligent hiring, retention, or supervision of an employee constitute an “accident”?
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 July
Troester v. Starbucks Corp. – The California Supreme Court rejects the use of the de minimus doctrine to allow employers to demand small amounts of uncompensated work for employees
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 September
Brady v. Bayer Corp. — Don’t call it “One A Day” vitamins and then in small print tell us we must take two; or if you prefer: one gummie a day won’t keep the rickets away
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 October
Ayon v. Esquire Deposition Solutions — Provides guidance on when credibility issues can create triable issues of fact
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2018 November
Court looks at standard of care that governs university’s duty to protect its students from violence. Also, primary assumption of risk in school sports
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 January
Ruling makes new law for offers and responses per CCP 998
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 February
Look to your employer, not the payroll processor
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 March
Guernsey v. City of Salinas — When juror affidavits concerning deliberations are admissible for new-trial motions or appeal
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 April
Retroactive application of arbitration agreements in employment actions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 May
Mazik v. Geico affirms punitive damages finding a regional manager qualified as a “managing agent”
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 June
Specific enforcement of settlement — Mesa RHF Partners, L.P. v. City of Los Angeles. Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6; requests to retain jurisdiction; signature by parties versus attorneys
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 July
The lid is off the policy! Can insurers immunize themselves from their bad-faith failure to settle by buying the bad-faith claim from their own policyholder?
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 September
Court says methodology of identifying class members who purchased an inflatable pool from chain store need not be shown in order to certify class. Also, decisions on choice of law and waiver of right to compel arbitration
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 September
Attorney’s potential liability under settlement signed by attorney with notation “approved as to form and content”
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 October
Defendant claims excessive verdict and that plaintiff counsel improperly pre-conditioned and engaged the passions of the jury, but Court affirms wrongful death awards totaling $45 million
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 November
Defendant claims excessive verdict and that plaintiff counsel improperly pre-conditioned and engaged the passions of the jury, but Court affirms wrongful death awards totaling $45 million
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 November
Plaintiffs’ law firm sues client for defamation in website reviews, trial court grants anti-SLAPP motion against firm, upheld on appeal
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2019 December
Under PAGA, employees may not seek penalties for Labor Code § 558 penalties
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 January
Path across park leading to restrooms is a “trail” for the purpose of trail immunity defense even if only occasionally used for recreational purposes
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 February
Court sees triable issue of fact as to “intolerable conditions” in constructive-termination case brought by gay CHP officer
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 March
Supreme Court holds that plaintiffs do not lose standing to pursue PAGA claims against their employer by settling their individual claims
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 April
Supreme Court holds no right to jury trial under either Unfair Competition Law or False Ad-vertising Law
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 June
Two rulings on insurance bad faith and the genuine dispute doctrine; also collateral estoppel in employment class actions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 July
Two rulings on insurance bad faith and the genuine-dispute doctrine
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 August
Supreme Court resolves split of authority about the standard of review when standard of proof is clear-and-convincing evidence
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 September
A look at Prop 51, battery versus med mal, the sudden-emergency doctrine in auto accidents, and genuine-dispute doctrine in health insurance
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2020 October
Cal Supreme Court says Dynamex decision on employees vs. independent contractors is retroactive
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 February
Courts look at negligent infliction of emotional distress in the digital age; also design immunity and “home protection plans” as insurance
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 March
U.S. Supreme Court affirms state jurisdiction over alleged defective vehicles
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 June
Court publishes contempt order after attorney uses rehearing petition to rant about the legal system
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 July
Privette: The Supreme Court clarifies and narrows its exceptions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 October
Also, non-English speakers and English-language contracts; contingency-fee agreements
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 November
Court looks at Medi-Cal liens and the published-compilation exception to the hearsay rule for evidence
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2021 December
Bad-faith failure to settle examined based on contract law principle; also, COVID business interruption coverage
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 January
Deserves to join the Pantheon of trial-practice texts
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 February
Cal Supreme Court addresses whistleblowing and consequent adverse employment actions; also, Court looks at extortion by settlement demand under Flatley v. Mauro
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 March
Arbitration agreements in health-care settings; also, the “baseball rule” on assumption of the risk; legal malpractice, causation and anti-SLAPP
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 May
Can duress induced by a party’s own counsel void a settlement agreement?
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 June
U.S. Supreme Court holds that Iskanian's rule that PAGA actions cannot be divided into individual and non-individual claims is preempted by the FAA
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 July
Courts look at expert concessions on causation; also personal jurisdiction
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 August
Court reviews Privette rule on retained control of job site
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 October
Conditional acceptance of a 998 offer invalidates the offer as to prejudgment interest
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 November
Must an “accident” result from an unintentional act? Does negligence equate to “accident?” Strategies for dealing with “no accident, hence no coverage”
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2022 November
Aggregated statutory damages “so severe and oppressive” held to violate due process
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 February
Limits on trial court’s ability to impose sanctions for misuse of discovery
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 March
Warning labels on generic drugs; also, refusal to pay arbitration fees, and HOAs suing for construction defects
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 April
Supreme court rules governmental design immunity for dangerous roads does not categorically preclude failure-to-warn claims; also, public liability for dangerous sidewalks
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 June
In Adolph, California Supreme Court declines to follow High Court on arbitration of PAGA actions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 September
Cal Supreme court rules on an employer’s agent’s liability in FEHA cases; also, products liability claims based on absence of a safety feature that would have prevented the accident
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 October
An appellate lawyer’s review of Casetext’s CoCounsel
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 November
Legal malpractice complaints and the statute of limitations; also, WC as exclusive remedy for school volunteers
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 November
Contractors hired by DOD and removal of their complaints to federal court. Also, premises liability and the negligent undertaking theory; and, reduction of attorney fees based on incivility of counsel
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 January
MICRA and ambulances involved in auto accidents; also, PAGA waivers, the trivial-defect doctrine
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 February
Relief from waiver of jury trial; also Labor Code and pay stubs, hotels and premises liability
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 June
Medical-expense damages and the collateral-source rule/Medicare; also, handwritten vs. electronic signatures on arbitration agreements, and scam ads on Facebook, binding arbitration agreements and wrongful-death heirs
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 July
After State Farm denies homeowner’s claim, contract and bad-faith suit is barred by statute of limitations, but suit for unfair business practice under UCL can go forward
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 October
Lemon Law: a “new motor vehicle” means a vehicle sold by a new-car dealer for the first time, not just one sold with an unexpired manufacturer’s warranty. Also, judicial- disqualification motions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2024 December