F. Paul Bland, Jr.

F. Paul Bland, Jr.

 F. Paul Bland, Jr. is Executive Director of Public Justice, overseeing its docket of consumer, environmental and civil rights cases. He has argued or co-argued and won more than 25 reported decisions from federal and state courts across the nation, including cases in six of the federal Circuit Courts of Appeal and at least one victory in nine different state high courts. He has been counsel in cases which have obtained injunctive or cash relief of more than $1 billion for consumers. He was named the “Vern Countryman” Award winner in 2006 by the National Consumer Law Center, which “honors the accomplishments of an exceptional consumer attorney who, through the practice of consumer law, has contributed significantly to the well being of vulnerable consumers.” In 2013, he received the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition’s “Legal Champion” award. In 2010, he received the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau’s “Champion of Justice” Award. In the late 1980s, he was Chief Nominations Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1986, and Georgetown University in 1983.

Articles written by this author:

Federal preemption cases: Reflections on the U.S. Supreme Court’s busy docket

In today’s partisan lineup, a “conservative” is most likely to support a claim of federal preemption that would eliminate state laws and favor corporate interests

James C. Sturdevant
F. Paul Bland, Jr.

2008 February

Delaware court upholds draconian loser-pays provision

Unilateral changes to corporate by-laws that undermine shareholder rights can’t be justified by contract law

F. Paul Bland, Jr.

2015 January

In Delaware, “loser-pays” decision could have far-ranging consequences

Contract law of many states may be affected, including arbitration provisions

F. Paul Bland, Jr.

2015 February

Consumer Financial Protection Board considering important rule on arbitration agreements

Agency plans to propose a rule to prevent arbitration clauses in consumer financial contracts from blocking class-action litigation

F. Paul Bland, Jr.
Gabriel Hopkins

2016 January