Donna Bader

Donna Bader

Donna Bader is a certified specialist in appellate law with 30 years experience, practicing in Laguna Beach. She is the former editor-in-chief of Advocate and Plaintff magazines, and is the author of An Appeal to Reason: 204 Strategic Tools to Help You Win Your Appeal at Trial. 

Articles written by this author:

Applying res ipsa loquitur to premises liability fire cases

“The judge had been around for ages and never once tried a fire case involving res ipsa loquitur.”

Donna Bader

2007 August

Working with juries: Can you go too far?

Appellate court sets some boundaries for closing argument

Donna Bader

2007 October

Storytelling in brief-writing

The truth is that no matter how intellectual a judge may seem, he or she probably loves a good story

Donna Bader

2007 November

Opposing motions for summary judgment in medical malpractice cases

The best time to prepare for a motion for summary judgment is when you first accept the case

Donna Bader

2007 December

Is it safe to take a vacation?

A written notice of a planned absence or vacation may be a smart move to support an attorney’s claim that opposing counsel was notified but it has its limitations

Donna Bader

2008 January

The coming year, starting in February

The coming year, starting in February

Donna Bader

2008 February

Ways to get the most out of “free time”

Ways to get the most out of “free time”

Donna Bader

2008 March

ART and LAW: Is there a connection?

A look at the nexus of law and art, and the works of four attorneys and a judge who are also accomplished artists

Donna Bader

2008 April

You win some; you lose some

Recent rulings on recovery of expert witness fees, summary judgment rules and product liability actions are a mixed bag

Donna Bader

2008 May

The courtroom as theater: Is the courtroom just another stage?

Just presenting the “facts” of the case may not be enough to reach the jury

Donna Bader

2008 June

Law Firm Fees & Compensation

Alternatives to hourly billing are under review in this small, but effective analysis

Donna Bader

2008 August

The good we do — Lawyers lauded at Gay Pride Parade

The efforts of lawyers in overturning the ban against same sex marriage have made them into heroes

Donna Bader

2008 August

Looking back at the end of the case

“As an appellate attorney, sometimes I feel like the cleaning lady who picks up the trash after a trial.”

Donna Bader

2008 September

Looking forward...

As Plaintiff enters its second year, there’s a new editor at the helm.

Donna Bader
Althea T. Kippes

2008 October

Looking back...

As Plaintiff enters its second year, there’s a new editor at the helm

Donna Bader

2008 October

Sharpening your oral-argument skills

Be prepared for the Court to take control of your oral argument

Donna Bader

2008 December

Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges

By Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner

Donna Bader

2009 March

Is the Feres doctrine fair?

The 50 year-old Feres doctrine relegates members of the U.S. armed forces to a tort-free zone, even in non-combat situations. Relief is needed, but is it coming?

Donna Bader

2009 July

Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be

Useful ideas for those starting a practice and for those already building one

Donna Bader

2009 August

Lawyers at Midlife

A guide to retirement targeted to Baby-Boomer lawyers

Donna Bader

2009 November

Law And Motion Model Forms

By Douglas R. Parker, David N. Finley and Lori L. Maze

Donna Bader

2010 February

Another perspective: How do women impact the extinction of the Trial Lawyer?

Responses to columnist Gary Gwilliam’s take on differences between men and women in resolving cases

Donna Bader

2010 March

Proposition 19: Will we all get high if this initiative passes?

A look at the legal history of marijuana use and a discussion of the legal implications of Prop 19

Donna Bader

2010 September

Trial in Action: The Persuasive Power of Psychodrama

How to tell the story behind your client’s actions

Donna Bader

2011 February

Personal Injury Handbook By Larry Booth and Roger Booth

A straight-forward, no-nonsense guide to personal-injury cases. The book (with CD-Rom) contains forms, checklists and tips to find your way through the maze of handling personal-injury cases.

Donna Bader

2011 June

Finding opportunity in the demurrer

Look upon a demurrer as a chance to strengthen your complaints

Donna Bader

2011 December

Painting a picture at trial for the Court of Appeal

Get your facts into the record; use them to tell a story in your appellate brief

Donna Bader

2012 August

Why can’t we all be civil?

Sanctions are a judge’s last resort, so why not try a little civility first?

Donna Bader

2014 January

Appealing without a transcript

An “agreed statement” or “settled statement” may be your only options if there was no court reporter at trial

Donna Bader

2014 December

The Case against the Supreme Court By Erwin Chemerinsky

The Case against the Supreme Court By Erwin Chemerinsky

Donna Bader

2015 February

10 good reasons not to appeal

10 good reasons not to appeal

There are times when taking an appeal doesn’t make sense

Donna Bader

2015 December

10 common mistakes in appellate procedure

10 common mistakes in appellate procedure

Procedural pitfalls that can jeopardize your client’s appeal

Donna Bader

2016 December

12 reasons to consider appellate mediation

Experienced mediator shares 12 observations

Donna Bader

2017 December