David Lilienstein

David Lilienstein

David Lilienstein practices at The DL Law Group, a San-Francisco firm specializing in insurance bad faith and ERISA litigation. The firm litigates all aspects of insurance law, but primarily in the areas of disability, health care and long-term care insurance, and on both individual claims and class actions. Mr. Lilienstein, along with his DL Law Group partner, Alice J. Wolfson, were on the trial team that won a $9 million verdict in Hangarter v. Provident Insurance Company.

Articles written by this author:

Litigating health-care claims

What to do when a claim is denied as not being medically necessary

David Lilienstein

2012 June

The “genuine dispute” defense: Overused and abused

Like the boy who cried “wolf,” insurers will cry “genuine dispute” to try to limit their liability

David Lilienstein
Travis M. Corby

2013 June

The increasing importance of mental health parity laws

State and federal laws require that mental and physical illnesses be treated equally, but getting the health insurer to comply can still be difficult

David Lilienstein
Alice J. Wolfson

2014 August

When reading the insurance policy is not enough

Why some insurance policy limitations and exclusions may not be enforceable

David Lilienstein
Jessica Cho

2015 August

When religion gets in the way of health care

Health Care Sharing Ministries still exist owing to a religious exemption in Obamacare, but when it is time to pay claims, they swear they are not insurers

David Lilienstein
Jessica Cho

2016 September

Unum Group: Is everything old, new again?

The company’s litigated claims handling practices for disability claims continue to haunt it

David Lilienstein
Eric Buchanan
Katie Spielman

2017 September