Brendan Gannon

Brendan Gannon

Brendan Gannon practices in the Rains Lucia Stern St. Phalle & Silver Personal Injury Group. Brendan is an accomplished civil litigator in a variety of areas, including premises liability, professional malpractice, auto and bicycle accidents, as well as business disputes, having successfully litigated multiple cases to settlement.

Articles written by this author:
Here’s your money, now shut up

Here’s your money, now shut up

The First Amendment and non-disparagement clauses with public entities – what you need to know

Brendan Gannon

2019 November

Flip the defense script

“Your client should have seen it – it is your client’s fault”

Brendan Gannon

2020 October

Win your auto vs. bike case

Win your auto vs. bike case

Beating comparative fault and winning your auto vs. bike case without much physical evidence

Brendan Gannon
Caroline X. Feldstein

2021 February

Thanks for the report

A guide to using Motion to Compel to secure defendant’s incident report; overcoming the common defense claim of privilege

Brendan Gannon
Nancy A. McPherson

2021 October

Words, words, words, picture!

How we weave the fabric of our case into a story at trial

Brendan Gannon

2022 January