Aksana Coone

Aksana Coone

Aksana Coone is a maritime personal-injury attorney in Los Angeles, with a focus on personal injury and wrongful-death claims of cruise-ship passengers and crew. Ms. Coone is a cum laude graduate of UCLA and graduated magna cum laude from the Southwestern University School of Law. She formerly represented major cruise lines and advised the Cruise Line International Association on legal and regulatory issues. She is the Vice Chair of the Admiralty Section of the American Assoc. of Justice. She can be reached at aksana@coonelaw.com.

Articles written by this author:
Cruise-ship passenger injury litigation

Cruise-ship passenger injury litigation

Pursuing cruise-ship passengers’ personal-injury claims; procedure and common mistakes to avoid

Aksana Coone

2022 October

Admiralty law: LOLA litigation and a long overdue small-passenger-vessel exception

Admiralty law: LOLA litigation and a long overdue small-passenger-vessel exception

For injuries on a small vessel, such as a sunset harbor cruise, the Limitation of Liability Act (LOLA) can be your enemy, but now there’s hope

Aksana Coone

2023 April