2023 September

Plaintiff Sept23 cvr web

Articles in this issue:
The myth of neutrality

The myth of neutrality

If your goal is to unlock the value of your case, then understand that mediating “safely” doesn’t settle cases

Eric Ivary

2023 September

Play ball! The genesis and evolution of <em>Baseball Mediation</em>™

Play ball! The genesis and evolution of Baseball Mediation

A dispute-resolution process that incorporates an impasse-breaking mechanism directly into the mediation process

Floyd J. Siegal

2023 September

A convenient way to confirm a settlement

A convenient way to confirm a settlement

Oral mediation-settlement agreements and the use of Evidence Code section 1118

Mark Kramer

2023 September

Mediating cases with large medical liens

Protecting medical-lien claims and the plaintiff through timely negotiation and disclosure of liens

Elizabeth R. Feffer

2023 September

What you don’t know about workers’ comp can hurt you

What you don’t know about workers’ comp can hurt you

A look at the pitfalls for an unrepresented claimant in the WC system

Eustace de Saint Phalle
Taylor E. Arnold

2023 September

Appellate Reports

In Adolph, California Supreme Court declines to follow High Court on arbitration of PAGA actions

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2023 September

Profile: Mark Zanobini

Profile: Mark Zanobini

Curiosity leads to confidence and big wins

Stephen Ellison

2023 September

Jury research

Talk to jurors post-verdict to learn, improve, and evaluate the verdict

Miles B. Cooper

2023 September

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