If your goal is to unlock the value of your case, then understand that mediating “safely” doesn’t settle cases
Eric Ivary
2023 September
A dispute-resolution process that incorporates an impasse-breaking mechanism directly into the mediation process
Floyd J. Siegal
2023 September
A desktop summary of elder-abuse arbitration law
Art Gharibian
2023 September
Oral mediation-settlement agreements and the use of Evidence Code section 1118
Mark Kramer
2023 September
Protecting medical-lien claims and the plaintiff through timely negotiation and disclosure of liens
Elizabeth R. Feffer
2023 September
A look at the pitfalls for an unrepresented claimant in the WC system
Eustace de Saint PhalleTaylor E. Arnold
2023 September
In Adolph, California Supreme Court declines to follow High Court on arbitration of PAGA actions
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2023 September
Curiosity leads to confidence and big wins
Stephen Ellison
2023 September
Talk to jurors post-verdict to learn, improve, and evaluate the verdict
Miles B. Cooper
2023 September