2023 August

Plaintiff Aug23 cvr web

Articles in this issue:
Prop 22 and vicarious liability

Prop 22 and vicarious liability

An appellate update and an explanation of why Prop 22 does not and cannot control vicarious liability for companies such as Uber and Lyft

Christopher Dolan

2023 August

Dealing with Workers’ Comp credits in UM and UIM arbitrations

The UM carrier wants credit for workers’ comp benefits “paid” or “payable”

Barry P. Goldberg

2023 August

Using event-data recorders in your vehicle-accident cases

Using event-data recorders in your vehicle-accident cases

EDRs record and store data that can be used to prove both liability and severity of the impact for injury causation

Talayeh Goody
Greyson Goody

2023 August

What seems to be the problem, officer?

What seems to be the problem, officer?

Establishing the foundation for police officers’ expert opinions in motor-vehicle cases

Kevin S. Conlogue
Christopher P. Orlando

2023 August

Written discovery in auto cases

Written discovery in auto cases

A guide to what information you need in written discovery and how to get it

Diana Zeesman

2023 August

The new CCP section 999 and policy- limit demands in auto cases

The new CCP section 999 and policy- limit demands in auto cases

Newly enacted CCP section 999 changes the landscape of pre-litigation settlement demands by better defining what is a “reasonable” offer to settle

Ritsa Gountoumas

2023 August

The evidence is gone…now what?

The evidence is gone…now what?

Overcoming obstacles caused by defendant’s destruction or failure to preserve evidence

Gelareh Sara Golriz

2023 August

Profile: Brian Malloy

Profile: Brian Malloy

Trial lawyer and appellate specialist genuinely enjoys fighting for the little guy

Stephen Ellison

2023 August

Opening up

Creating and delivering compelling opening statements

Miles B. Cooper

2023 August

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