2020 November

Plaintiff Nov20 cover web

Articles in this issue:
Arbitrating medical-malpractice cases

Arbitrating medical-malpractice cases

Med-mal litigators say they are more likely to win plaintiff awards at arbitration than at trial

Jason Argos
Sean Burke

2020 November

Admit nothing

Practical and tactical use of requests for admissions

Miles B. Cooper

2020 November

Cayman County: California’s 59th County

Cayman County: California’s 59th County

The Homestead exemption changes January 1, 2021, protecting many more defendants from the forced sale of their home when facing a judgment

David Cook

2020 November

Ethical standards for neutral and party-appointed arbitrators

Ethical standards for neutral and party-appointed arbitrators

Most PI arbitrations are conducted before a single neutral arbitrator, whereas predispute arbitration agreements require a panel of three neutral arbitrators; the ethical standards are different

Michael Fields

2020 November

Assessing the process of arbitration

Assessing the process of arbitration

A brief overview of the development and expansion of arbitration since the time of King Solomon

Nancy Neal Yeend

2020 November

Mastering uninsured and underinsured motorist arbitrations

Initiating arbitration, conducting discovery, obtaining an enforceable award, and recovering allowable costs in UM/UIM arbitrations

Barry P. Goldberg

2020 November

Compelling arbitration

Explore the nuts and bolts of compelling a contractual arbitration, with a discussion of some nuances

Mark Kramer

2020 November

Profile: Susan Kang Gordon

Profile: Susan Kang Gordon

Running her own firm at a young age – and her own life

Stephen Ellison

2020 November

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