2020 August

Plaintiff Aug20 cvr

Articles in this issue:
Pants are optional and forget stilettos

Pants are optional and forget stilettos

How to “stage” your client for Zoom mediations, from what to wear to background settings to lighting

Debra Bogaards

2020 August

The right fit

A road map for plaintiffs’ attorneys to selecting the best mediator for a particular case

Lisa P. Mak
Claire Y. Choo

2020 August

Proving implied permission

A look at liability under the negligent-entrustment theory or permissive-use statute

Brian J. Malloy

2020 August

Healthy joints in mediation

Healthy joints in mediation

Mediation with joint sessions has declined in popularity, but still has its place in dispute resolution

Rebecca Grey

2020 August

Virtual mediation: Give it a chance

Virtual mediation: Give it a chance

It’s here to stay, and this mediator believes it’s actually better than traditional in-person mediation

Jerry Spolter

2020 August

Habitability: How earlier awful conditions created an eggshell plaintiff

Habitability: How earlier awful conditions created an eggshell plaintiff

This and other helpful habitability nuggets from Garcia v. Mylylla

Peter L. Weinberger

2020 August

Profile: Tiseme Zegeye

Profile: Tiseme Zegeye

Employment law and discrimination specialist continues the fight for basic human liberties

Stephen Ellison

2020 August

Mediating wildfire cases

Mediating wildfire cases

Understanding the personal-reason exception and other nuances of recovery for damages to real property

Lexi W. Myer

2020 August

Establishing the attorney-client relationship in our interconnected world

With the Web educating your potential clients as never before, they are likely to have questions about your qualifications as they interview multiple attorneys

Eustace de Saint Phalle
Olivia K. Leary

2020 August

Appellate Reports

Two rulings on insurance bad faith and the genuine-dispute doctrine

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2020 August

Future shock

The future is not ours if we do nothing to safeguard it

Miles B. Cooper

2020 August

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