Preparing for the trial of a small case as if it were a million-dollar baby
John Roach
2015 February
Without being willing to lose at trial, you can never really win
Craig Peters
2015 February
Replacing the exhibit binders, iPads appear to help jurors better connect with the case
William M. Margolin
2015 February
Deposition testimony may be used effectively at trial if you know all the rules for getting it admitted
Brian J. Malloy
2015 February
Former fighter pilot says accountability matters
Stephen Ellison
2015 February
Cases of interest to members of the plaintiff’s bar
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2015 February
An effective cross needs visuals, and visuals demand reliable technology
Miles B. Cooper
2015 February
A guide to writing your questionnaire, getting it admitted and using it effectively
2015 February
This new model for trying a lawsuit acknowledges shorter attention spans and the influence of the Web
John P. Blumberg
2015 February
Contract law of many states may be affected, including arbitration provisions
F. Paul Bland, Jr.
2015 February
The Case against the Supreme Court By Erwin Chemerinsky
Donna Bader
2015 February