2014 November

Articles Articles in this issue:

Dental malpractice: What you must know about implants

Two million implants a year lead to a growing number of negligence claims

Edwin J. Zinman

2014 November

Avoiding the voidable

Ensuring contingency fees and fee-sharing agreements are enforceable

David L. Winnett

2014 November

Private lawsuits, public lawyers

Should you have a binding arbitration clause in your attorney fee agreement?

Karen Stromeyer
Timothy Halloran

2014 November

The importance of Internet reputation

You may not care what others say about you, but prospective clients do

Catherine Watson

2014 November

Analyzing and prosecuting medical malpractice cases

Accepting a med-mal case and staying focused on the most important aspects of proving the negligence

Bruce Fagel

2014 November

Profile: James Bostwick

Profile: James Bostwick

He becomes a trial lawyer by chance, but goes on to become a legend of the medical-malpractice bar

Stephen Ellison

2014 November

Duty calls

Jury service – a learning opportunity

Miles B. Cooper

2014 November

Medical malpractice: Preparation and trial of birth injury cases

A look at continuing developments in the field, including history of fetal monitoring and causation issues

James Bostwick

2014 November

Appellate Reports and cases in brief

When a lawyer sues for unpaid fees, the client complains for breach of fiduciary duty

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2014 November

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