2012 November

Articles Articles in this issue:

Sophisticated users have rights, too

Can a failure-to-warn eliminate the grounds of a product defect?

2012 November

How to take a tough slip-and-fall case and get big results

These cases demand careful client screening, prompt investigation, preservation of evidence and a thorough discovery plan

Elise R. Sanguinetti

2012 November

Discovery and deposition practice in federal court

Key differences between federal practice and California practice

Brian J. Malloy

2012 November

Negotiating the reverse auction in class-action cases

How can the “prisoner’s dilemma” work in mediation?

Jeffrey Krivis

2012 November

Profile: Cynthia Rice

Profile: Cynthia Rice

Veteran public interest lawyer trains trial lawyers at California Rural Legal Assistance to win non-injury cases. Hint — become your own best expert

Stephen Ellison

2012 November

Appellate Reports and Cases in Brief

Recent cases of interest to members of the plaintiffs’ bar

Jeffrey I. Ehrlich

2012 November

Protecting your client’s privacy

Why narrowing the scope of a subpoena for medical records may not be enough

Jessica L. Curiale

2012 November

Dissecting automotive crashworthiness litigation

A look at some of the more sobering aspects of products-liability litigation against automakers

Larry Booth

2012 November

Notice in premises-liability actions

If you can’t prove actual or constructive notice, you likely don’t have a case

Martin I. Aarons

2012 November

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