2012 April

Articles Articles in this issue:

998s: They’re out to get you. Better leave while you can . . .

Plaintiff attorney’s fees drive employment litigation, yet the defense bar can “cut off” these fees using 998 offers

Rachel Pusey

2012 April

Privacy in employment law

Bringing an employment action doesn’t mean “opening the kimono” at defendant’s whim

Alexis McKenna

2012 April

The reptilian need for closure

Your closure needs at mediation may be different from the adjuster’s

Jeffrey Krivis

2012 April

Sexual torts and vicarious liability: Expanding Mary M. into the private sector

Asserting vicarious liability against private employers for the sexual misconduct of their employees with police-like authority

Michael Hale

2012 April

How many lawyers does it take to change the bias against lawyers?

Attorneys take a vow to be honest but still have to suffer through “jokes” implying they are not

Allison Fairchild

2012 April

Profile: William B. Smith

Profile: William B. Smith

Forty-year veteran embraces new technology, urges a return to civility and remains passionate about the law

Stephen Ellison

2012 April

Working while Muslim: Religious discrimination in the workplace

Has “Islamophobia” caused a 10 percent rise in employment-discrimination claims?

Anayat Durrani

2012 April

The way of the Jedi lawyer

Take a lesson from the Jedi as the Zen warrior: Embrace the fear

Miles B. Cooper

2012 April

Early punitive-damages discovery – let’s give it a try!

Make the case for punitive damages early on and bring your motion to secure defendant’s financial records

Karine Bohbot and Elizabeth Riles

2012 April

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