After “smoking out” the tobacco industry, litigation pioneer strives to improve work-life balance – for everyone
Stephen Ellison
2010 July
Consider a two-part attack on the WC exclusive-remedy defense in a dual- or multiple-employer situation
William VeenKimberly Wong
2010 July
Minimizing reimbursements by your client to insurers who paid claims under health insurance or auto policy medical benefits
William M. Margolin
2010 July
Change the playbook and come out a winner
Jeffrey Krivis
2010 July
An opportunity to have case-specific questions answered at no charge
Althea T. Kippes
2010 July
Male trial lawyers are fighting issues of “hidden spirituality” and “false masculinity” that carry over into their professional relationships with women
J. Gary Gwilliam
2010 July
Six strategies to keep the trial judge from throwing out your case based on a finding that the defect was “trivial”
Clinton E. Ehrlich
2010 July
Litigation privilege does not apply to conduct that is wrongful independent of the litigation
Jeffrey I. Ehrlich
2010 July
Lawyers are embracing the convenience of legal apps on smartphones
Anayat Durrani
2010 July
Just how far can discovery of personal information go in a deposition? Is the collection of Marilyn Monroe photos up for grabs?
Andrew P.P. Dunk, III
2010 July
The role “pedal error” will likely play in Toyota SUA accident litigation
Larry Booth
2010 July