2008 August

Articles Articles in this issue:

Sample jury questionnaire

Here is a proposed jury questionnaire in a med mal wrongful death case involving death from untreated heart disease

Shirley Watkins

2008 August

Make yourself a hero to the jury

Establishing your own high ethical standards with jurors creates a more creditable view of your client

Noelle Nelson

2008 August

Depressed? You’re not alone, and the numbers are growing.

Treating depression starts with coming out of the shadows: it’s an illness, not an individual failing

Geraldine Lewis

2008 August

Can a “take no prisoners” mediator help you maximize your recovery?

Can a “take no prisoners” mediator help you maximize your recovery?

Jeffrey Krivis

2008 August

Functional MRI as a lie detector: Its potential as evidence for or against malingering

A head-injury lawyer looks at how brain mapping may impact cases in the future

Harvey Hyman

2008 August

The hazards of wisdom tooth extraction: From patient to plaintiff

Is it really necessary to pull out those wisdom teeth? A little sage advice from someone who knows

Jay W. Friedman

2008 August

Civil Procedure Update

A review of recent decisions on civil procedure, discovery and evidence of interest to the plaintiff’s bar

Steven Finz

2008 August

Profile: William Veen

Profile: William Veen

Sensitivity proves to be a road to empathy for this accomplished attorney

Stephen Ellison

2008 August

Seven considerations when your client needs cash “now”

The right lawsuit funding deal may help your client’s bottom line – the wrong one can kill it

Mark Bello

2008 August

Law Firm Fees & Compensation

Alternatives to hourly billing are under review in this small, but effective analysis

Donna Bader

2008 August

The good we do — Lawyers lauded at Gay Pride Parade

The efforts of lawyers in overturning the ban against same sex marriage have made them into heroes

Donna Bader

2008 August

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