David Hahklotubbe

David Hahklotubbe

Bio as of January 2010:

David Hahklotubbe, M.A., a gerontologist, is the CEO of Lighthouse For Our Elders, Inc., a full-service, long-term care support service. He is an instructor in the Master of Arts program in Gerontology, Long-Term Care Administration, at San Francisco State University and a volunteer group facilitator with the Alzheimer’s Association. In addition, he is available to assist in court cases regarding long-term care facilities as well as elder   abuse. He can be reached by e-mail: david@LighthouseForOurElders.com.

Articles written by this author:

Long-term care lawsuits: Sadly, a growth industry

Actions are increasingly based more on emotion and psychological trauma than true abuse or neglect

David Hahklotubbe

2010 January