Governmental immunities that preclude bicyclists from prevailing A finding of liability is not guaranteed — even when it seems obvious Molly M. McKibben From Issue: 2017 July
Let’s talk salary (or not) Combating pay secrecy and unfair pay practices in the workplace that lead to gender pay gap Eduard MeleshinskyMariko Yoshihara From Issue: 2017-June
The rent control revolution Throughout much of the Bay Area, the tenants’-rights movement strengthens as landlords go on the defensive Josephine L. AliotoJoshua C. Ezrin From Issue: 2017 May
The fox and the henhouse Litigating claims of an employer’s failure to investigate Lisa P. Mak From Issue: 2017-June
The perils of coat tailing When you hitch a ride on someone else’s trial, remember – “Nobody Rides for Free” Walter (“Skip”) Walker From Issue: 2017 May
Disability and the replacement value of household services How economists calculate the replacement cost of household services in cases of catastrophic injury Joseph T. Crouse From Issue: 2017 April